Stress affects linguists in many ways. Our lifestyle (sitting at the computer for long hours, using a desk/chair that has not been ergonomically designed specifically for you; working in less-than-perfect interpreting booths, driving long distances to assignments) has consequences such as stiff neck and back, decreased flexibility and range of movement, carpal tunnel syndrome, a slow metabolism, unwanted weight gain. All these conditions can be improved with the yoga techniques presented in this interactive workshop.
The presentation includes elements of the anatomy and physiology of respiratory system, the spine, the nervous system, bio-mechanics and tensegrity to illustrate the processes taking place in the body during the exercises.
Participants will feel the positive effects of these exercises immediately, and, with regular practice, they will enjoy the long-term benefits of the chosen yoga techniques for their physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
Workshop designed for busy linguists of all ages and all levels of fitness.