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gateshead-millennium-bridge-sunsetLocated in the heart of North East England, Newcastle (on the North bank of the River Tyne) and Gateshead (on the South bank) have been transformed into a single conference destination called NewcastleGateshead.

Perhaps most famous for shopping, nightlife, culture, a rich history and its passion for sport, one of the things NewcastleGateshead is most proud of is its legendary friendliness, ensuring delegates are always sure to feel welcomed and at home.

black-gate-newcastle-3Over the last ten years this ‘twin-city’ has been undergoing a cultural renaissance, with investment and development totalling over £1 billion. This reinvention has not only put the area on the national and international map, but has also successfully transformed the old image of brown ale and shipyards into a truly vibrant and dynamic cultural meeting place - one of the most creative and inspiring destinations in Europe.

With its compact city centre and fantastic transport and access links, NewcastleGateshead is the perfect destination for meetings of ten people or conferences for thousands. Recently it has played host to the British Council for Shopping Centres (BCSC) annual conference (3,300 delegates), the Conservative Party Spring Conference (1,000 delegates), and regular meetings and events for both Boots and Proctor & Gamble (anywhere between 30 and 100 delegates).

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